South America News
Argentina’s automotive industry is maintaining good momentum, Kallanish observes. Performance improved sequentially with production reaching a …
Brazilian exports of semi-finished products decreased in August after previously reaching their highest monthly volume since …
Latin American finished steel production increased month-on-month but was slightly weaker year-on-year in July, Kallanish learns …
Latin American crude steel production rose month-on-month but was weaker year-on-year in July, Kallanish notes.
According …
Brazil saw ferrous scrap exports decline in August. Shipments, however, were stable year-on-year, Kallanish notes. Imports …
Truly global, user-friendly coverage of the steel and related markets and industry that delivers the essential information quickly while delivering on most occasions just the right amount of between-the-lines comment and interpretation for a near real time news service of this kind.
Very good overview of the weekly steel market.