Market Reports
Mechanical, HSS, and piling product prices are increasing by $150/short ton according to the latest price …
Representative OCTG product P110 5.5-inch casing is $3,680-3,850/short ton in the US market, Kallanish understands.
“Prices are solid. …
Turkish pipe producers have decreased their quotes this week despite firm raw material prices.
Pipemakers’ offers …
Although demand and prices remain sustained for Italian hot rolled coil, coil derivative prices are struggling …
OCTG pricing for representative product P110, 5.5-inch casing is holding at $3,680-3,850/short ton for the second consecutive …
Truly global, user-friendly coverage of the steel and related markets and industry that delivers the essential information quickly while delivering on most occasions just the right amount of between-the-lines comment and interpretation for a near real time news service of this kind.
Very good overview of the weekly steel market.