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American Resources Corp says the first phase of commissioning has been completed in preparation for initial …
The dispute between giant China Moly and Congolese state controlled Gécamines seems to be far from …
Ambler Metals says it plans to spend $26.2 million in 2022 at its Upper Kobuk Mineral …
Australia-based Vital Metals says metallurgical testing of rare earths from its Tardiff Zone 1 in Canada’s …
Вulgаrіаn battery manufacturer Моnbаt has agreed with Advanced Battery Concepts (ABC) on a product development program …
Truly global, user-friendly coverage of the steel and related markets and industry that delivers the essential information quickly while delivering on most occasions just the right amount of between-the-lines comment and interpretation for a near real time news service of this kind.
Very good overview of the weekly steel market.