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President Biden formally calls for review of Trump's auto emission requirement cut
President Biden formally calls for review of Trump's auto emission requirement cut

The federal emissions standards first put in place by President Barack Obama may now be reinstituted …

Mercedes-Benz unveils first model of its EQ line
Mercedes-Benz unveils first model of its EQ line

Mercedes-Benz unveiled on Wednesday the first of its all-electric EQ line, aimed at helping the company …

Tesla to increase supercharging stations in Southeast Europe

Tesla plans to increase the number of charging stations for its electric vehicles (EVs) in Southeast …

DOE to earmark $160m for no-carbon hydrogen research
DOE to earmark $160m for no-carbon hydrogen research

The US Department of Energy is earmarking $160 million to develop improved technologies for the production, …

German government launches call for hydrogen projects
German government launches call for hydrogen projects

The German ministry of economic affairs and energy together with the ministry of transport have invited …

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