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Shipping sector asks EU to accelerate green hydrogen
Shipping sector asks EU to accelerate green hydrogen

The European shipping industry together with Hydrogen Europe, transport groups and trading companies such as Trafigura …

Hyundai starts construction of Chinese fuel cell systems plant
Hyundai starts construction of Chinese fuel cell systems plant

Groundbreaking has commenced at Hyundai’s first international fuel cell system factory under construction in Guangzhou, China, …

NICKEL: Nornickel expects ‘significant impact’ on production
NICKEL: Nornickel expects ‘significant impact’ on production

Russian mining company Nornickel will soon announce an update on its efforts to restore normal operations at a number …

Electric Highway Coalition knits new US charging corridor
Electric Highway Coalition knits new US charging corridor

Six US utilities have teamed up to created an electric vehicle charging corridor that cuts through …

Biden administration halts Arizona copper project
Biden administration halts Arizona copper project

The fate of Arizona’s planned Resolution Copper Mining copper-molybdenum mine is up in the air after …

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