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Bob Downing

Bob reports on the North American markets for Kallanish Power Materials, focusing on mining, hydrogen, battery materials, and electric vehicles. Bob joined Kallanish in 2016 and is a veteran Ohio newspaper reporter and editor with over 25 years of experience. He has covered the environment and has won numerous awards for his stories. His work has appeared in the Chicago Tribune, the Washington Post, Newsweek, and others.


RARE EARTH: Ucore Rare Metals dispatches geological crew to Alaska project
RARE EARTH: Ucore Rare Metals dispatches geological crew to Alaska project

Ucore Rare Metals is mobilising a geological crew to Bokan Mountain/Dodson Ridge on Prince of Wales …



COPPER: Pacific Ridge Exploration acquires Chuchi porphyry project in BC

Pacific Ridge Exploration says it has signed an agreement with AuRico Metals to acquire up to …



COPPER: Rockcliff Metals reports on drilling at Freebeth, Copperman properties

Rockcliff Metals Corp reports shallow, high-grade copper mineralisation at its Freebeth property in Manitoba, Kallanish reports. …



NICKEL, COPPER, PLATINUM: Pursuit Minerals updates Warrior Project work

Pursuit Minerals says it is advancing exploration activities at its platinum-nickel-copper-gold-silver Warrior Project in Western Australia, …



NICKEL, COPPER, PLATINUM: Shaft 1 at South Africa's Platreef mine completed

Canada-based Ivanhoe Mines says it has completed Platreef’s Production Shaft 1 at the palladium-rhodium-nickel-platinum-copper-gold project in …



COPPER: Imperial Metals to reopen Mount Polley copper mine in BC

Imperial Metals says it is advancing work to reopen its Mount Polley copper-gold mine in British …



RARE EARTH: Greenland government decision on Kvanefjeld project expected in 6 months

The government of Greenland is expected to make a final decision on Greenland Minerals’ stalled rare …



NICKEL, COPPER, COBALT: Nickel North hires consultant for Hawk Ridge project

Nickel North Exploration Corp says it has retained consultants to update the mineral resource estimate and …



GRAPHITE: Green Battery Minerals hits 28.48m of 28.37% graphite

Green Battery Minerals says maiden drilling into graphite outcrops at Zone 6 at its Berkwood graphite …



RARE EARTH: Rio Tinto produces first North American scandium oxide

Anglo-Australian mining giant Rio Tinto says it has produced its first batch of high-purity scandium oxide …


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