US Vice President Mike Pence outlined the Trump administration’s tax reform goals this week in a stump speech in Phoenix, Arizona, Kallanish reports.

The administration’s tax plan has garnered mostly positive support from the steel sector due to its focus on preserving accelerated depreciation schedules and lowering overall business rates.

“Our plan is based on four simple principles: reducing taxes for working families, simplifying the tax code, cutting taxes for businesses large and small, and making it possible for American companies to bring profits home to America to create jobs and opportunities here,” Pence says. “This conversation and this cause of cutting taxes for working families, small businesses, family farms and ranches begins in Arizona today.”

Tax reform was one of the priorities cited by the Trump administration when it indefinitely delayed the section 232 investigation on steel imports. The administration originally targeted August for the reform bill’s passage – it is now hoping to have the bill passed by the end of the year.