The US wants to establish a common set of standards for its planned network of 500,000 electric vehicle chargers, Kallanish learns from a release by the US Department of Transportation. 

The network, slated for completion in 2030, will adopt a proposed National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (NEVI) program. At its core, NEVI will standardise pricing, charging infrastructure, and necessary workforce requirements.  

NEVI will be funded with $5 billion over the next five years, carved out of the Biden administration’s Bipartisan Infrastructure Law. An additional $2.5 billion will be available for related EV and air quality initiatives. 

“No matter what kind of EV a user drives, what state they charge in, or what charging company they plug into, the minimum standards will ensure a unified network of chargers with similar payment systems, pricing information, charging speeds, and more,” the release promises. 

An accompanying statement from the White House links investment in EV infrastructure to both climate change and economic turmoil as a result of high gasoline prices. 

“The proposed standards, along with new coordinated federal actions on EVs, support President [Joe] Biden’s priorities to lower costs for families, create good-paying jobs, and combat climate change,” the release says. “He is pressing Congress on his plan to provide tax credits that make EVs more affordable, so families’ budgets aren’t hurt by volatile gas prices. The actions will spur good-paying jobs with strong workforce requirements for America’s steelworkers, electrical workers, and labourers to build, install, and maintain the network. And, making chargers and EVs more accessible will help tackle the climate crisis – reducing emissions, increasing cleaner air, and advancing the President’s Justice40 Initiative.”