Reactions to President Joe Biden’s executive order demanding 50% of US vehicles be electric by 2030 have been mixed, Kallanish finds. 

A vocal contingent of EV backers say that the measure does not go far enough. 

“Quit subsidizing fossil fuels and force carbon polluters to pay the real costs associated with their product. [sic] The marketplace will take care of the rest,” says one commenter on the president’s official Twitter account. 

“If you were serious about this, ditch the hybrids,” says another. 

The EV pedigree of hybrids has long been a contentious issue in the EV sphere - at what point, exactly, is a hybrid more an electric vehicle than an internal combustion vehicle? 

“EV should be pure electric vehicle, tell big three to call @Tesla and ask them how to do it. Best EVs are already Made in America, in future there will be Big One and little three [sic],” one commenter says. 

Mainstream commenters were all over the negative side of the board, citing concerns about grid stability, interference with the free market, and the environmental costs of mining associated with EVs. 

The ever-decreasing cost of EVs was also a significant issue. 

“Let's also work on making environmentally friendly cars that working class folks can also afford! I want to be environmentally conscious even though I'm poor! Lol [sic],” reads one reply.

Kallanish Power Materials readers are invited to join the conversation on Twitter under the handle @Kallanish.