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Industry None

Date May 16, 2023

Duration 1 day

Europe Steel Markets 2023

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2022 was a year of unprecedented challenges for the global steel markets, due to rising geopolitical tensions, and the slow-down of the China’s economy and steel demand. Global crude steel production in 2022 decreased by almost 4% from the record level reached in 2021, due to negative performances registered in Asia, Europe and North America. The largest fall in crude steel production during the first eleven months of 2022 was registered in Russia, Turkey and Germany. India and Iran continued to increase their steel output, but this recovery was not enough to impact the global trend.

In Europe steelmakers remain concerned with high energy costs, the slowdown of steel end-using sectors and looming recession clouds. 2022 was characterised by the challenges sparked by the ongoing war in Ukraine and 2023 is still expected to be a year of transition, rather than of full recovery.  

During the 8th annual Europe Steel Markets conference, steel executives and market participants will gather to discuss global and European steel sector prospects for the second half of 2023, as well as share their experiences and latest industry developments. A number of topics are set to be addressed, including the ongoing investments to meet the stringent environmental legislations in Europe, the price trends for steel products, end-user demand and the rising centrality of scrap among raw material inputs.

Key Themes/Topics:

  • Steel prices trends
  • Iron ore and scrap price trajectory
  • High energy costs on production
  • Demand patterns in major steel using sectors
  • Steel demand from the automotive sector
  • CBAM implementation and impact
  • Hydrogen steel-making developments
  • New breakthrough technologies
  • The state of the Chinese economy and steel markets
  • Upstream consolidation of scrap yards by EU steelmakers


Tata Steel IJmuiden Plant Tour - Monday 15th May

The plant tour to Tata Steel IJmuiden took place on Monday 15th May.  


Tata Steel IJmuiden

Tata Steel’s IJmuiden Works is located on the North Sea Coast of the Netherlands and produces organic and metallic coated strip products for Global markets through its basic oxygen steelmaking, thin strip caster, hot strip mill, annealing lines, cold mills and metallic/organic coating lines.

The site is capable of producing up to about 7,500,000 tonnes/year of hot/cold  rolled coil in a variety of finishes. The plant comprises 2 coke batteries, 1 pelletizing plant, 1 sinter plant, 2 blast furnaces, 1 basic oxygen plant, 1 hot strip mill and thin strip caster, cold rolling mills, 3 galvanizing lines (including 2 with optional in-line organic coating facilities), 1 pre-finished steel line, hot pickling, annealing and tinning lines



Europe Steel Markets 2023 was held at the Renaissance Amsterdam Hotel. 

Address: Hekelveld 17, 1012 SN Amsterdam.




Europe Steel Markets 2023 was held in English only.


Platinum Sponsor

Tata Steel Nederland

Tata Steel Nederland is one of Europe’s leading steel producers. The company supplies high-quality steel products to the most demanding markets, including construction, automotive, packaging and engineering. Tata Steel Nederland works with customers to develop new steel products that give them a competitive edge. Tata Steel Nederland has sites in the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany and elsewhere in Europe and is part of the Indian Tata Steel Group, one of the world’s largest steel companies. Tata Steel Nederland recorded a turnover of 6.9 billion euros in the financial year ending 31 March, 2023. Tata Steel Nederland is working on producing steel with zero carbon emissions by 2045. It will do so by switching to producing steel by using hydrogen instead of coal.


Gold Sponsor

Vogel Stahl

Vogel Stahl is a Steel Service Center for Hot Rolled Steel with offices in Maastricht, the Netherlands and Niederkrüchten, Germany. Vogel Stahl stands for quality, flexibility, service and reliability in the market for steel plates from coil. The steel qualities range from DD11 up to S700MC, in black and pickled and oiled. Also, a wide range of Teardrop plate is offered. The service area stretches from France to Scandinavia and from the U.K. to Poland. Vogel Stahl is continuously expanding its product range and service offering, including laser-cut profiles and primer in order to make you, our customer, more competitive.

Specialty Steel

Specialty Steel Sheet and Plate is an activity that started in January 2021 under the wings of Vogel Stahl. The focus is on specialty steel qualities and innovative solutions in plate products. We stock and distribute among others wear-resistant steel, weather-resistant steel and bullet-resistant steel. We strive to gradually expand the product portfolio with relevant products. On February 1, 2023 Vogel Stahl signed a distribution agreement with SLIPNOT®. This enriches the Specialty Steel portfolio with state-of-the-art anti-slip solutions to help you making your work space and your products safer.


Coffee Break Sponsor

LIBERTY Steel Group

LIBERTY Steel Group is a global steel business operating across the steel supply chain, from production of liquid steel from raw and recycled materials through to high value precision engineered steels. With a total rolling capacity of 18 million tonnes, 200+ manufacturing locations globally across 10 countries and employing around 30,000 people, LIBERTY Steel’s furnaces, mills, services centres and distribution sites across the UK, continental Europe, Australia, the United States and China serve demanding sectors such as construction, energy, aerospace, automotive, and infrastructure. LIBERTY Steel is a leader in sustainable industry with a mission to become Carbon Neutral by 2030 (CN30).  


Silver Sponsor

Dao Fortune (Hong Kong) Co., Ltd

Dao Fortune (Hong Kong) Co., Ltd is affiliated to Wuchan Zhongda Group, a state-owned enterprise ranking 120th in 2022 of Fortune top Global 500 enterprises.

Dao Fortune is competent to provide a wide range of services including international and domestic steel and iron trading, import of raw materials and semi-products, supply chain services, financial services, project delivery, etc. 

Meanwhile, subsidiaries and overseas offices have been established in HongKong, South Korea, Singapore, UAE, Thailand, Vietnam, and other countries or regions. 

The company is handling yearly 10 million tons of sales of steel products, both domestically and internationally.


Silver Sponsor

Kallanish Index Services 

Kallanish Index Services brings you the latest market prices, data and insights for the hydrogen and gold sectors.


Association & Media Partners


EUROMETAL is the European federation of steel tubes and metals distribution and trading. The roots of EUROMETAL date back to 1950, when the European Community for Coal and Steel was created by Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Luxembourg and the Netherlands. EUROMETAL members are national federations of steel, metals and tubes distribution as well as distribution, SSC and trading companies having cross border activities in European OECD countries.


Since its establishment in 1928, NASS has been successfully working to promote the interests of steel service centres throughout the UK. NASS is the only trade association covering the whole of the UK steel stockholding industry. NASS members supply steel to UK manufacturing and are a vital link in the supply chain from producer to customer, handling some 8 million tonnes of steel a year, principally to the construction, automotive and engineering industries.

Polska Unia Dystrybutorów Stali

Polska Unia Dystrybutorów Stali (Polish Association of Steel Stockholders) is an association of companies that distribute metallurgical products in Poland. Through a variety of activities, PUDS creates a platform for exchanging experiences, business contacts and joint ventures for companies for which steel is the main commercial product. The aim of PUDS is for the Polish steel industry to be integrated, steel distributors acted according to good commercial rules and the steel market in Poland was strong and competitive with foreign steel distribution companies.

siderweb - The Italian steel community

siderweb - The Italian steel community is the only online newspaper in Italy dedicated entirely to the steel supply chain. It is a point of reference for industry stakeholders, thanks to its sober style devoted to in-depth analysis and objectivity. Since 2005 it has organized Made in Steel and structured its contents: conferences, interviews, outlooks. Since 2009 it has been surveying the prices of 55 raw materials and steel products on the national market every week, with the method certified by the Laboratory of Statistics Data Methods and Systems of the University of Brescia. Since 2022 it has published 5 weekly indexes on scrap, carbon steel, long and flat products, and stainless steel.


UAHE is the Spanish Association of Steel Stockholding companies created in 1910. Our member companies stock, distribute and pre-process a wide range of steel products. We count with  more than 130 companies with nearly 200 warehouses all over the country.


UNESID is the steel production companies association of Spain. It comprises all the manufacturers of flat and longs steel products of Spain, in every quality: carbon, alloyed or stainless steel. Producers of steel tubes (seamless and welded), precision strip, cold finished, road restraint systems are also members of the Association.

Association partner: Steel Exporters' Association​

Steel Exporters' Association is a non-profit business organization of more than 1250 companies representing the largest steel producers and exporters in the Turkish steel industry. It carries on its operations with the aim of increasing the export potential of the Turkish steel industry and paves the way for Turkish steel producers/exporters, with main objective to foster and attain sustainable global steel market based on free and fair trade. The Association also solves the problems of its member companies face at home and abroad, provides contact between members and foreign importers in order to ease the export processes, serves up-to-date domestic and global market news, reports and analyses. 





A.T.A is a steel association that brings together the Spanish manufacturers and transformers of steel wires, with the aim of promoting their development, both nationally and internationally.



ESIS is a group of European post-prestressing steel manufacturers and was founded in 1969. One of its main tasks is the technical development of the product including testing methods, promotion of its applications, national and international standardization.

Arab Iron and Steel Union (AISU)

Arab Iron and Steel Union (AISU) was established in Algeria in 1971 as the first Arab union of Arab countries to be established under the umbrella of the Council of Economic Unity in the League of Arab States.

AISU is a non-governmental organization of a private nature, not of a political or commercial nature. AISU works on pioneering the Arab iron and steel industry and serving steel producers and consumers at the local, Arab and international levels.

AISU works in the field of preparing studies, organizing courses and holding periodic conferences for the prosperity of the Arab iron and steel industry. The union includes a wide range of companies with multiple activities related to the iron and steel industry.

The Europe Steel Markets 2023 conference programme is below.


Heather Wijdekop Director Commercial IJmuiden Tata Steel Europe
Alexander M. Julius Presidency Member EUROMETAL
Francois-David Martino CEO Becker Stahl Service
Stephane Tondo Technical Head Governmental Affairs & Climate Change ArcelorMittal Europe
Stanislav Zinchenko CEO GMK Center
Cesare Vigano Board Managing Director CLN Group
Wilfred Geerlings Senior Manager Commercial Sustainable Development Tata Steel Europe
Rita Monteiro Head of Decarbonisation GFG Alliance
Gorkem Bolaca Managing Director Galex Steel International
Steven Vercammen Senior Expert McKinsey & Company
Gareth Stace Director General UK Steel
  • Contact on:
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Derek Langston Global Head of Dry Research Braemar Shipping
Arnaud Guerendel Director of Strategic Development SSAB
Alain Eeckman Commercial Director Casier Recycling
Ian Roper Consultant Kallanish Consulting Services
Selçuk Yilmaz General Manager Yildiz Demir Celik A.S.
Yuan Wenjiong Co-Chairman Dao Fortune Co.
Friso de Vries Owner and Director Vogel Stahl
Christian Koehl Editor Northern Europe Kallanish
Adam Smith Editor in Chief Kallanish
Emanuele Norsa Head of Content Siderweb
Paul Mullins Director Kallanish
Svetoslav Ambrossimov Steel Journalist Kallanish

Europe Steel Markets 2023 Attendees

Company Position Country
Alcar Wheels GmbH Managing Director Austria
Almet Trading UK Limited Director United Kingdom
Almet Trading UK Ltd Trader United Kingdom
ArcelorMittal Sourcing Head Luxembourg
ArcelorMittal Head of Market Intelligence Luxembourg
ArcelorMittal Europe Technical Head Governmental Affairs & Climate Change Luxembourg
ArcelorMittal Europe - Flat Products Head of Operational Marketing & Pricing Belgium
ArcelorMittal Tubular Products Europe Head of Business Development Luxembourg
Armos BV Managing Director Belgium
Becker Stahl Service CEO Germany
Becker Stahl-Service GmbH Head of Procurement Germany
Blachotrapez Commercial Director Poland
Blachotrapez Sp.zo.o. procurement director Poland
Borcelik Executive Board Member Türkiye
Boston Consulting Group (BCG) Consultant Italy
Boston Consulting Group (BCG) Expert Consultant Italy
Braemar plc Global Head of Dry Research United Kingdom
Casier Recycling N.V. Commercial Director Belgium
CLN Group Board Managing Director Italy
Credit Europe Bank N.V. Senior Relationship Manager Netherlands
Dao Fortune (Hong Kong)Co., Ltd. Deputy General Manager. China
Dao Fortune (Hong Kong)Co., Ltd. Co-chairman China
Dao Fortune (Hong Kong)Co., Ltd. Manager China
Dao Fortune (Hong Kong)Co., Ltd. Assistant General Manager China
De Jong&Lavino BV Commercial Director Netherlands
Dentons Europe LLP Counsel Belgium
Emballator Purchasing Manager Sweden
Emballator (UK) Ltd. Strategic Purchaser Sweden
Ermewa SA Steel Segment Manager France
EUROFER Senior Manager Belgium
EUROMETAL Director General Luxembourg
EUROMETAL President Germany
FeCon "Global Sourcing Company"​ Area Manager Türkiye
Fowle & Co Ltd Purchasing Director United Kingdom
Galex Steel International Managing Director United Arab Emirates
GFG Alliance Head of Risk & Sustainability United Kingdom
GFG Alliance Events Manager United Kingdom
GFG Alliance Global Head of Communications United Kingdom
GFG Alliance Head of EU Government Relations Belgium
GFG Alliance Head of Decarbonisation United Arab Emirates
GMK Center CEO Ukraine
Hadley Group Procurement & Transport Director United Kingdom
Indo Intertrade AG Vice President European Markets Switzerland
Johnson Controls Global Marine & Navy Procurement Director Norway
Jørgensen & Utoft CEO Denmark
Jørgensen & Utoft Purchase & Key Account Manager Denmark
Kallanish Director United Kingdom
Kallanish Global Editor Austria
Kallanish Business Development Germany
Kallanish Sales Manager - MENA & Eastern Europe Bulgaria
Kallanish Journalist Germany
Kallanish Editor Southern Europe
Kallanish Events Director United Kingdom
Kallanish Global Event Marketing Manager United Kingdom
Kallanish Commodities Global Head of Subscriptions & Advertising United Kingdom
Kallanish Consulting Services Consultant Singapore
Kallanish Europe Sofia Journalist Bulgaria
Kingspan Ltd. Procurement Director Ireland
KION Group Senior Commodity Sourcing Scout Poland
König GmbH & Co Kg Sourcing Manager Germany
Lhoist SA Key Account Manager Belgium
Lhoist Western Europe Sales market specialist Netherlands
Liberty Aluminium France CEO France
Liberty Commercial Germany GmbH Countryhead Germany
Maja Stuwadoors Director Netherlands
McKinsey & Co. Senior Expert Belgium
MISETAL General Manager Sales Director France
MISETAL Flat Steel, Aluminium & Stainless Steel Product Manager France
Morvarid Metal Kft CEO Hungary
Mota-Engil Global – Serviços Partilhados Administrativos e Técnicos, S.A Category Manager Portugal
Nucor Trading Managing Director Switzerland
Nucor Trading Commercial Director Poland
Oldendorff Carriers (Singapore) Pte Ltd Senior Commodity Analyst Singapore
Port of Rotterdam Advisor Netherlands
Prime Green Recyclers Director Pakistan
PUDS Head Manager Poland
Reggio Metals SpA Owner Italy
REIBUS Sales Director Western Europe (DIF) France
REIBUS Senior National Sales Representative France
ROCKWOOL Belgium NV Regional Category Manager Belgium
Royal BAM Group nv Global Category Manager Steel Netherlands
Savojni SSC Owner Italy
Serwistal Sp. z o.o. Director of Purchasing Department Poland
Serwistal Sp. z o.o. Commercial Director Poland
Sev.en Global Investments Senior Associate Czech Republic
Siderweb Market Analyst & Editor Italy
Siderweb Italy
Specialty Steel Business Manager Specialty Steel
SSAB Europe Vice President Italy
SSAB Europe Director Business Development Spain
Steelforce Trader Europe Belgium
STEELFORCE NV Trader Europe Belgium
STEELINVEST General Manager Belgium
Steelinvest Group Trader Belgium
STOW Purchase Director Raw Materials Belgium
Streem Interservice France
TATA Europe Netherlands
Tata Steel Europe Commercial Director Netherlands
Tata Steel Europe Director Commercial IJmuiden Netherlands
Tata Steel Europe Senior Manager Commercial Sustainable Development Netherlands
Tata Steel Europe Marketing Manager Distribution Netherlands
Tata Steel Europe Marketing Communication Coordinator Netherlands
Tata Steel Europe Markets & Pricing Netherlands
Tata Steel Europe Manager Market Insight & Strategy Team Netherlands
Tata Steel Europe France
Tata Steel Europe Commercial Manager Netherlands
Tata Steel Europe Account Manager general sales Netherlands
Tata Steel Europe Commercial Manager, Engineering Netherlands
Tata Steel Europe Director Markets & Pricing, Tata Steel, Mill / Producer Netherlands
TATA Steel Europe Manager Steel Purchase Europe Netherlands
Tata Steel Layde Managing Director Spain
Tata Steel Nederland Senior Manager, Market Strategy Netherlands
Tatmetal Raw Materials Procurement Manager Türkiye
Tatmetal Head of Sales and Purchasing Türkiye
ThyssenKrupp Materials Services GmbH Head of Governance and Procurement Germany
ThyssenKrupp Materials Services GmbH Head of Procurement Germany
UK Steel Director United Kingdom
Van Leeuwen Pipe and Tube Group Procurement Manager Europe Netherlands
Vogel Stahl PA to Friso de Vries
Vogel Stahl Manager Purchasing and IT
Vogel Stahl Senior Sales Representative Netherlands
Vogel Stahl Sales Representative
Vogel Stahl BV Owner & Director Netherlands
VOGEL Stahl B.V. Price Analyst Germany
Weyland gmbh CEO Austria
Wijngaard Natie Business Development Manager Belgium
Yildiz Demir Celik General Manager Türkiye
Yildiz Demir Celik Marketing and Customer Experience Director Türkiye
Yuan Long Stainless Steel Co., ltd Sales Manager Taiwan

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Event info

Industry None

Date May 16, 2023

Duration 1 day