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Industry Steel

Date June 16, 2021 - June 17, 2021

Duration 2 days

Europe Steel Markets 2021 Virtual Conference

This event is past. Prospectus PDF


Virtual Conference

Like everyone else, we look forward to when the steel industry can gather in person once again. Until then, we will continue to bring you the very best conference programmes in a virtual formant. Kallanish events are supported by renowned industry expert speakers, covering the latest trends and market developments with thought-challenging analysis, and working strategies.

The Kallanish virtual event platform is designed to support face-to-face networking, personalised agendas, downloadable contact lists, the ability to engage with speakers via live Q&As and polls, and the option to re-watch sessions on-demand soon after each session.

The 6th annual Europe Steel Markets 2021 virtual conference was hold on 16-17th June.

» Watch our overview on how a virtual conference works

» Watch how to network at a virtual conference *New includes our exciting face to face networking room feature!

» Watch how to set up a personalised agenda



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EUROMETAL is the European federation of steel tubes and metals distribution and trading. The roots of EUROMETAL date back to 1950, when the European Community for Coal and Steel was created by Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Luxembourg and the Netherlands. EUROMETAL members are national federations of steel, metals and tubes distribution as well as distribution, SSC and trading companies having cross border activities in European OECD countries.



Since its establishment in 1928, NASS has been successfully working to promote the interests of steel service centres throughout the UK. NASS is the only trade association covering the whole of the UK steel stockholding industry. NASS members supply steel to UK manufacturing and are a vital link in the supply chain from producer to customer, handling some 8 million tonnes of steel a year, principally to the construction, automotive and engineering industries.


MESTEEL is a Middle East b2b steel portal, providing buyers and sellers with, an in-depth database, steel offers, inquiries, news, jobs, information, events.

Note: All times displayed in CET – Central European Time 

  • 11:00

    Session 4: Key markets beyond Europe - demand growth, capacity investment & trade flows

    As market fundamentals have changed since the end of 2020, we bring together the Kallanish regional editors to share updates on market developments in the key steelmaking countries and regions of China, Southeast Asia, India, CIS, Turkey, and USA. How is demand growth and capacity investment developing in these regions? With low inventories and extended mill lead times, overcapacity has not been a topic much discussed in recent months. However, as overcapacity is set to increase in most regions of the world, how will this dynamic play out in the months and years ahead? In addition, trade barriers continue to be central in today’s market and a change in this situation is not expected anytime soon. The Kallanish editorial team will analyse how key steelmaking regions are meeting the current challenges of market recovery, capacity investment and changing steel trade flows.

    • Moderator:Paul Mullins, Director, Kallanish
    • Tomas Gutierrez, Managing Editor Asia, Kallanish Steel
    • Adam Smith, Managing Editor, Kallanish
    • Katya Ourakova, Journalist, Kallanish Steel
    • Dan Hilliard, Managing Editor North America, Kallanish Steel
  • 12:15

    Networking break

  • 13:00

    Session 5: Steel making input costs – the freight and raw materials rollercoaster

    Since Q4 2020 the raw materials markets have exploded. Iron ore and steel scrap have recorded dramatic price growth mirroring steel price rises. Iron ore has hit record highs not seen since the height of China’s post-financial crisis stimulus. Scrap, meanwhile, has been tightened further by the return of China to the international market. Raw material prices continue to outperform most expectations. Meanwhile, freight rates sit at decade highs due to economic and industrial recoveries, adding an extra layer of risk and cost to international trade flows. With steel prices and demand and freight rates at record highs, and inventories low, what can we expect for international scarp and iron ore markets? Are these prices sustainable or have they reached levels that may never be seen again? Is resource security sparking another wave of resource nationalism? Analysts and market observers will debate the current and future state of freight, iron ore and steel scrap demand, volumes and prices. 

    • Moderator:Tomas Gutierrez, Managing Editor Asia, Kallanish Steel
    • Alexis Ellender, Director, Simpson Spence Young
    • Ian Roper, CEO, SMM
    • Burcak Alpman, Journalist, Kallanish Steel
    • Alain Eeckman, Commercial Director, Casier Recycling
  • 14:15

    Networking break

  • 15:00

    Session 6: Steel outlook – demand, volumes & price

    Global steel demand continues to outperform expectations with many market observers expecting 2021 and beyond to continue the strong recovery trend. Since the latter half of 2020 demand recovery has seen steel prices more than double. With extended mill lead times, low inventories, decade-high freight rates, and unprecedented fiscal stimulus, what can we expect for the global and European steel industry? Are these steel prices sustainable? Could these high prices force consumers to reduce or temporarily stop buying at some point? In this session, analysts and market observers will debate the current and future state of steel demand, volumes and prices in Europe.

    • Moderator:Adam Smith, Managing Editor, Kallanish
    • Martin Stillger, Martin Stillger, Chairman & CEO, thyssenkrupp Materials Services
    • Laurent Plasman, Head of Operational Marketing, ArcelorMittal Europe Flat
    • Alessandro Fossati, CEO, Gama Trade
  • 11:00

    Session 1: Global & European steel industry – debating the big issues

    2020 was one of the most challenging years ever for the steel industry. The first half of the year was characterised by an unprecedented halt in production, then by rapid demand recovery, low inventories, extended mill lead times, and soaring prices. This trend has continued into 2021 with steel prices repeatedly smashing record highs, resulting in the focus of sales discussions switching from price to volume and lead times. Opinion is split -- are these conditions set to continue for the remainder of the year or will end-use buyers simply stop ordering and prices will come off? Similarly, iron ore and steel scrap prices have surged to levels not seen in almost a decade. China’s return to international scrap markets, coupled with its huge EAF capacity expansion could disrupt raw materials markets further. Closer to home, EU safeguard measures are due to expire at the end of June -- will they be extended, replaced or allowed to expire? As multiple factors shift trade patterns and the European steel sector embraces decarbonisation and ‘green steel’ initiatives, what is the outlook for European steel? What strategies are European steel participants adopting this year? What do producers, processors and traders expect for the remainder of 2021 and beyond?

    • Moderator:Emanuele Norsa, Managing Editor Southern Europe, Kallanish Steel
    • Henrik Adam, CEO, Tata Steel Europe
    • Antonio Marcegaglia, Chairman & CEO, Marcegaglia
  • 12:15

    Networking break

  • 13:00

    Session 2: Europe in the global context - safeguard measures, production & supply gaps

    Increasing trade barriers have characterised global steel markets in recent years and this trend of steel market regionalisation is expected to continue for years to come. In 2019 the sector was hit by a slow-down in end-user demand, which was further exacerbated by the coronavirus pandemic in 2020. Since the latter half of 2020 demand recovery has seen steel prices more than double. Today, European steel demand outstrips supply, and producers enjoy record margins. Those further down the supply chain struggle to pass on costs or replenish inventories. Domestic supply has been further compounded by ongoing uncertainty regarding Liberty Steel's financing, and at Ilva over the 50-50 public-private partnership delays. Therefore, market participants eagerly await news on the status of European safeguard measures which are set to expire at the end of June. Will they be extended, replaced or allowed to expire? With higher climate ambitions for 2030 and 2050 will the proposed carbon border adjustment mechanism (CBAM) protect European steel? And what is the expected impact of CBAM on imports and exports? Our panel of experts will offer their views on the challenges and opportunities facing the European steel sector, with a specific focus on production, trade and policy.

    • Moderator:Emanuele Norsa, Managing Editor Southern Europe, Kallanish Steel
    • Dick Sands, Managing Director Distribution, Stemcor
    • Daniel Guinabert, Secretary General, Eurometal
    • Karl Tachelet, Director International Affairs, Eurofer
    • Dr Veysel Yayan, Secretary General, TCUD
  • 14:15

    Networking break

  • 15:00

    Session 3: The future of steel - decarbonisation & sustainability challenges

    With much uncertainty in the long-term macro-economic environment, and higher sustainable climate ambitions within Europe’s steel industry, making firm forecasts on the future of steel is almost impossible. Nevertheless, many regional steelmakers have announced ambitious plans to cut emissions by 2030 and beyond. Various technologies for steelmaking decarbonisation are already available or are coming online soon, including Carbon Direct Avoidance (hydrogen and electricity-based steelmaking), Carbon Capture and Storage, and Carbon Capture Usage. These technologies will result in higher production costs for European steel. Is there sufficient policy support and regulatory framework in place to make the transition economical? What must be done to ensure a level playing field for the entire supply chain. How close is European steel to securing an economically viable supply of hydrogen for hydrogen steelmaking? Will the recent jump in Emissions Trading System carbon prices spur steelmakers into making decarbonisation investments? In this panel, industry experts will discuss these questions and more on the future of the European steel and the influences from global developments and sustainability challenges.

    • Moderator:Adam Smith, Managing Editor, Kallanish
    • Thomas Hörnfeldt, Vice President Sustainable Business and Public Affairs, SSAB
    • Stefano Maggiolino, President & CEO, Tenova HYL


Dr Henrik Adam Vice President - European Corporate Affairs Tata Steel Ltd
Antonio Marcegaglia Chairman and CEO Marcegaglia Group
Martin Stillger Chairman & CEO thyssenkrupp Materials Services
Stefano Maggiolino President & CEO Tenova HYL
Thomas Hörnfeldt Vice President Sustainable Business and Public Affairs SSAB
Laurent Plasman Head of Operational Marketing ArcelorMittal Europe Flat Products
Dick Sands Managing Director Distribution Stemcor
Alessandro Fossati Managing Director Gamma Trade
Daniel Guinabert Secretary General Eurometal
Karl Tachelet Deputy Director General International Affairs and External Relations
Dr Veysel Yayan Secretary General TCUD - Turkish Iron and Steel Producers Association
Ian Roper Consultant Kallanish Consulting Services
Alain Eeckman Commercial Director Casier Recycling
Alexis Ellender Director SSY Consultancy & Research Ltd
Burcak Alpman Editor Kallanish Steel
Adam Smith Editor in Chief Kallanish
Emanuele Norsa Head of Content Siderweb
Tomas Gutierrez Managing Editor Asia Kallanish
Dan Hilliard Managing Editor North America Kallanish Steel Topics: Steel

Europe Steel Markets 2021 Virtual Conference Attendees

Company Position Country
Alfa Laval Group Purchasing Dept Denmark
Aneka NV general manager Belgium
arcelormittal Head of Commercial Performance and Pricing Central Accounts Luxembourg
ArcelorMittal Governmental Affairs Belgium
ArcelorMittal Head of Market Intelligence Luxembourg
ArcelorMittal Economic monitoring & Statistics Luxembourg
ArcelorMittal Head of Marketing North Industry France
ArcelorMittal France
Arcelor Mittal Head of Operational Pricing Luxembourg
Arcelor Mittal CMO Iberia Luxembourg
ArcelorMittal Europe Flat Head of Operational Marketing Luxembourg
ArcelorMittal Europe Flat CMO MENA & Turkey France
Arcelor Mittal Long Products CMO and Vice President Luxembourg
ArcelorMittal Tailored Blanks CMO Packaging United Kingdom
Baaderbank Analyst Germany
British Steel Head of Marketing United Kingdom
CARES CEO United Kingdom
Carmeuse Global Steel Market Manager United Kingdom
Casier Recycling N.V. Commercial Director Belgium
CLN Group Board Managing Director Italy
Colakoglu Metalurji CEO Türkiye
Danieli Senior Manager, Sales Italy
Diproinduca Europe S.L. Business Development Spain
DP Trade CEO Italy
DP Trade Co-Founder & Managing Partner Switzerland
Eurofer Director International Affairs Belgium
Eurometal Secretary General
EUROMETAL Director General Luxembourg
Exiros Steel Procurement Manager Argentina
FAF-Produtos Siderúrgicos Board Member Portugal
Ferrexpo Head of Sales Europe, External Relations Executive Ukraine
Fowle and Co Ltd Managing Director United Kingdom
Freepoint Commodities Trader Singapore
Gamma Trade Managing Director Switzerland
Gebr. Lotter KG Head of Purchase Germany
GFG Alliance Head of Marketing United Arab Emirates
Hatch Principal United Kingdom
Howden Global Segment Lead Power and Metals Netherlands
Irish International Trading Corp Ltd. Managing Director Ireland
Johnson Controls Global Marine & Navy Procurement Director Norway
Kallanish Senior Reporter Europe France
Kallanish Senior analyst
Kallanish Journalist
Kallanish Editor United Kingdom
Kallanish Senior analyst
Kallanish Global Editor Austria
Kallanish Sales Manager Spain
Kallanish Director United Kingdom
Kallanish Director United Kingdom
Kallanish Events Director United Kingdom
Kallanish Business Development Germany
Kallanish Sales Manager
Kallanish Bulgaria
Kallanish Sales Manager - MENA & Eastern Europe Bulgaria
Kallanish Sales Manager Singapore
Kallanish Editor Southern Europe
Kallanish Asia Editor and Head of Data United Kingdom
Kallanish Managing Editor North America United States
Kallanish Journalist Germany
Kallanish Steel Journalist United States
Kallanish CEO United Kingdom
Kallanish Commodities VP Sales North America
Kallanish Commodities Global Head of Subscriptions & Advertising United Kingdom
Kallanish Consulting Services Consultant Singapore
Kallanish Europe Sofia Journalist Bulgaria
Kandil Steel Raw Material Procurement Manager Egypt
Kingspan Ltd. Procurement Director Ireland
Knauf AMF Antwerp Slitter Global Category Manager Steel Belgium
Lhoist SA Key Account Manager Belgium
Liberty Ostrava a.s. Head of Sales Czech Republic
Limea Fisma Purchasing Manager Italy
Manuli Hydraulics Italia S.r.l. a Socio Unico Group Purchasing Manager Italy
Marcegaglia CEO Italy
Marcegaglia Director Italy
Marcegaglia Carbon Steel Sales & Marketing Director - Coils Italy
Marcegaglia - Tube Division Member of the Board of Directors - Sales & Marketing Director - Welded Tubes Italy
Marubeni-Itochu Steel Europe GmbH Manager Sales Coordination Germany
MEsteel Consultant United Arab Emirates
MESteel Manager United Arab Emirates
Metinvest Trametal Spa Head of Metinvest Western Europe Italy
Midrex Marketing Manager United States
Moravia Steel Italia Srl Italy
MULTICUT A/S Strategic Purchaser Raw Materials Denmark
NASS Office & Events Manager United Kingdom
NV Bekaert SA Regional Category Manager Wire Rod ERMEA Belgium
NV Bekaert SA Technical Manager Wire Rod Europe - Corporate Purchasing Department Belgium
OVet BV Commercial Manager Netherlands
Pandrol Commodity Manager United Kingdom
Paul Wurth Head of Marketing Luxembourg
Pirelli Group Financial Controller Italy
Port of Rotterdam Advisor Netherlands
Pristine Commercials Pvt Ltd Director India
Reggio Metals SpA Owner Italy
RHI Magnesita GmbH Market Intelligence Analyst Austria
ROCKWOOL Belgium NV Regional Category Manager Belgium
Royal BAM Group nv Global Category Manager Steel Netherlands
Ruuki Construction Sourcing Manager Poland
Saferoad RRS GmbH COO Saferoad Europe Division Germany
Severstal Chief economist - Corporate strategy Russia
Sidenor Aceros Especiales SL Metallics Purchasing Manager Spain
Snop Automotive Cologne Manager Purchasing Germany
Soybas Vice President Türkiye
SSAB Vice President Sustainable Business and Public Affairs Sweden
SSAB Europe Director Business Development Spain
SSY Director United Kingdom
Steelduxx Partner Belgium
Steelduxx Belgium
SteelDuxx Partner Belgium
SteelDuxx Belgium
SteelDuxx Belgium
SteelDuxx Belgium
STEELDUXX Partner Belgium
Steelforce Group NV CEO Belgium
Steelforce NV Trader Europe Belgium
Stemcor Director United Kingdom
Stemcor Quantitative Trading Project Officer United Kingdom
Stemcor Trader United Kingdom
Stemcor Commodity Derivatives Analyst United Kingdom
Stow Group Purchase Director Raw Materials Belgium
Stow International Purchasing Exec. Raw Materials Belgium
TATA Steel Manager, Industry Insights Netherlands
Tata Steel Europe Economist Netherlands
Tata Steel Europe Communications Manager United Kingdom
Tata Steel Europe Marketing Manager Distribution Netherlands
Tata Steel India Chief, Business Excellence and New Projects India
Tata Steel Limited VP European Corporate Affairs Netherlands
Tata Steel Ltd Sr. Manager - Marketing Research & Sales India
TCUD Expert Türkiye
TCUD - Turkish Iron and Steel Producers Association Secretary General Türkiye
TCUD - Turkish Steel Producers Association Managing Editor Türkiye
Tenova HYL President & CEO Mexico
thyssenkrupp Materials Services Chairman & CEO Germany
thyssenkrupp Materials Services Head of External and Internal Communications Germany
thyssenkrupp Materials Services Senior Communications Manager Germany
thyssenkrupp Materials Services Global Head of Corporate Strategy & Communications Germany
Thyssenkrupp Procesamiento de Materiales Europa, S.L CEO Spain
Thyssenkrupp Schulte GmbH Senior Procurement Manager Germany
Trinecke zelezarny, a.s. Head of Marketing Czech Republic
Van Leeuwen Pipe and Tube Group Procurement Manager Europe Netherlands
Vasilios Stavridis G.P. CTO Greece
Vik Ørsta AS Purchasing Manager Norway
Weyland gmbh CEO Austria
WeylandGmbH Managing director Austria
Witte van Moort BV CEO Netherlands

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Event info

Industry Steel

Date June 16, 2021 - June 17, 2021

Duration 2 days