The Italian infrastructure and transport ministry Ministero delle Infrastrutture e della Mobilità Sostenibili (MIMS) will invest €32 billion ($37 billion) in infrastructure and green mobility and €1.3 billion for urban public transport, Kallanish learns from the ministry. Of the €32 billion, €7 billion will be invested in electric and hydrogen mobility.

The MIMS has created a €2 billion fund for the implementation of the EU scheme “Fit for 55” to reduce carbon emissions by 55% compared to 1990.

“The fund will finance interventions for the renewal of the bus fleet of local public transport, the purchase of hydrogen trains on non-electrified railway lines, the construction of urban and tourist cycle routes, the development of intermodal transport on rail, the adoption of alternative fuels for the supply of ships and aeroplanes and the renewal of vehicles for road transport,” MIMS says in a note.

According to minister Enrico Giovannini, these are “substantial investments that will allow continuity to the Piano Nazionale di Ripresa e Resilienza even after 2026. Alongside long-awaited interventions to secure and complete road and railway works, with the strengthening of the Tyrrhenian and Adriatic corridors, a fund of €2 billion is born to reduce CO2 emissions by investing in sustainable mobility systems, in addition to €4.7 billion for metros and rapid mass transport.”