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Industry Steel

Date Dec. 9, 2020 - Dec. 10, 2020

Duration 2 days

Europe Steel Markets 2020 Virtual Conference

This event is past. Prospectus PDF


Event Update

The Kallanish Europe Steel Markets 2020 Virtual Conference started on the 9th of December 2020, and we are now in day 2 of the conference. We're looking forward to a great event and can't wait to welcome you.  To access the event you will have received instructions on email on how to access the event platform.  If you have not received this email or are having troubles accessing the platform please email and we'll be glad to help.

The conference sessions start each day at 11:00 Central European Time CET (UTC +1) today! If you are on the event platform a little bit early that's great.  Take the time to set up your profile and check your internet connection speed. Then join the Kallanish Team in the Networking Room anytime from 10:00-11:00.


Exciting Speaker Line-Up

Just because we can't host this event in-person, doesn't mean that you can't interact, learn, and debate with our exciting speaker line-up. 


Virtual Conference

Like everyone else, we look forward to when the steel industry can gather together in person once again. Until then, we are very excited to show you what our new virtual event platform can do – from interactive networking, to personalised agendas and the ability to engage with speakers via live Q&As and polls.

The virtual format also provides some advantages that you can’t get from face to face events, such as watching or re-watching programme sessions on-demand, plus the opportunity to connect with many more attendees from around the world that may not have been able to travel to Vietnam in 2020.



Our dedicated virtual networking platform will enable you to message and schedule meetings in advance with industry peers expected to attend the virtual conference.

  • Find - Search our list of attendees
  • Message - Chat, discuss and organise meetings with fellow industry peers and potential partners
  • Join - Join and organise group meetings at the touch of a button
  • Support - The Kallanish team is on hand help you with these tools



Our virtual conference sessions are 1-hour long with a 1-hour break in between each, allowing you time to stretch your legs, switch back to work demands as well as time to network, visit the exhibitors or schedule meetings with other delegates.  Check out the conference topics below, and the conference programme here.

  • Global & European steel industry outlook: Marco-economic overview, steel supply & demand update.
  • Raw materials outlook: Focus on iron ore, scrap, coking coal & energy.
  • Italian steel sector developments: Update on local market and companies.
  • European safeguard measures & Post Brexit trade deal: Impact and update
  • Trade flows & key markets in focus: China, India, Russia & Turkey
  • Steel end-use sectors: Automotive & Construction sector in focus
  • Sustainability challenges: How much will the EU steelmaking sector change in the next decade?
  • The future for European steel: An in-depth analysis and debate

Plus, watch our video below to show you how to create your personalised agenda so that you can plan your time effectively and maximise your efficiency.


Media Partners


Siderweb - The steel community is the only Italian online newspaper entirely dedicated to news from the steel world. Created in 2001, siderweb is a space - virtual and physical - for the exchange of information and comparison between all the protagonists of the steel supply chain. It was created to satisfy the need for information, services and advice of steel producers, distributors and endusers. It is an independent container of news, interviews, exclusive insights, press review, market analysis, prices and data. It creates synergies among all the players in the steel industry and it is a reference point and a daily exchange of views.

The siderweb Reasearch Department is the only private body in Italy that records the prices of 34 raw materials, semi-finished products and steel products on the Italian market on a weekly basis and 10 on a monthly basis. The method used for the detection is certified by DMS StatLab Laboratory of Data Statistics, Methods and Systems of the University of Brescia). There is more: on siderweb you can find the international quotations of steel, metal, oil and futures too. It is also provided a weekly technical analysis of steel and raw materials prices.

Siderweb publishes analyses and studies, as well as organizes events dedicated to the steel sector: they are all occasions to receive information, participate into in-depth discussions, meet other steel operators and talk about economic news and hot topics. Lastly, siderweb supports the storytelling of entrepreneurship experiences while celebrating an anniversary or creating a brand for important business events.

The most important event organized by siderweb is Made in Steel, the southern Europe’s premier tradeshow for the steel industry. Held every two years, it is both Conference & Exhibition: the perfect balance between business and debate, hands-on operations and reflection. An industry showcase, Made in Steel also hosts a raft of meetings, forums and roundtables promoting the sort of in-depth sector knowledge that is key to company competitiveness.

Steel Data

SteelData is the largest online steel statistics center on Turkish steel market and industry which is the 8th largest steel producer and consumer. It provides accurate and most comprehensive steel statistics in a regular basis on Turkish steel market and is broadening its services and coverage.


EUROMETAL is the European federation of steel tubes and metals distribution and trading. The roots of EUROMETAL date back to 1950, when the European Community for Coal and Steel was created by Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Luxembourg and the Netherlands. EUROMETAL members are national federations of steel, metals and tubes distribution as well as distribution, SSC and trading companies having cross border activities in European OECD countries.


StahlmarktConsult Andreas Schneider

StahlmarktConsult is providing in-depth-information, analysis, and individual consulting services on the German and European steel market with a special focus on purchasing decisions of steel processing companies. We support you in steel-market related decisions by means of expertise and networks. Our maxime is to provide the most competent, independent, and reliable service. StahlmarktConsult ‘s customers are steel-processing companies of all sizes, mainly medium sized industry companies. They are in many cases part of the automotive supply chain, but also are in other industries such as mechanical engineering. Steel service centers also use my consulting services. Our clients process between 1.000 and several hundred thousands tons of steel each year. We are offering periodic market reports (German language) and individual consulting services, e.g. market analysis and forecasts, strategic consulting and steel purchasing workshops. StahlmarktConsult Andreas Schneider was founded by Andreas Schneider in 2012 and is located in Leverkusen, Germany. Andreas is an experienced steel market consultant, watching and analysing the German steel market for more than 25 years. After studying economics Andreas worked for several associations of the steel processing industry.

Please contact us ·

  • you want to follow the latest steel market developments in Germany and Europe ·
  • you need key steel market data, information, and forecasts ·
  • you need assistance in the field of European Steel Policy, e.g. anti-dumping-procedures
  • ·you have any specific, steel-market-related questions


All conference times are displayed in Central European Time CET (UTC +1)

  • 11:00

    Session 1: Global and European Steel outlook – Debating the big issues

    2020 has been one of the most challenging years ever for the steel industry. The pandemic brought a halt to production in many regions of the world. The second half of the year has been characterized by a general recovery, with Chinese steel production and demand reaching record levels turning the country into a net steel importer for the first time in a decade. Against this backdrop what strategies have European steel participants adopted this year? What do producers, processors and traders expect for 2021? With demand expected to jump back next year, will positive sentiment be strong enough to recover lost ground? Which markets will perform better and why?

    Moderator: Emanuele Norsa, Southern Europe Editor, Kallanish

    • Antonio Marcegaglia, Chairman & CEO, Marcegaglia
    • Laurent Plasman, Head of Operational Marketing, ArcelorMittal Europe Flat
    • Dick Sands, Managing Director Distribution, Stemcor
  • 11:50

    Session 1: Q&A

    Ask the speakers from session 1 anything during this Q&A session.

  • 12:10

    Network Break

  • 13:00

    Session 2: Steel & steel raw materials price outlook

    After the drop registered in Q2 2020, prices of steel have recovered across the world. In this session analysts and market observers will debate the state of steel prices from steel raw materials in China to finished steel products in Europe. What can we expect in 2021 and beyond?

    Moderator: Paul Mullins, Director, Kallanish

    • Tommaso Sandrini, President, Assofermet Acciai
    • Andrew Glass, Founder & MD, Avatar Commodities 
    • Tomas Gutierrez, Managing Editor Asia, Kallanish Steel
  • 13:50

    Session 2: Q&A

    Ask the speakers from session 2 anything during this Q&A session.

  • 14:10

    Network Break

  • 15:00

    Session 3: The Italian steel sector, what next?

    The last few years have brought a number of challenges for the Italian steel industry, both in the longs and flats sectors. In addition to the existing ongoing issues, Italy was amongst the first and most severely hit countries in Europe from the pandemic. In this session we will analyse the state of the second largest steel market in Europe and hear how it is preparing for the expected recovery of 2021.

    Moderator: Emanuele Norsa, Southern Europe Editor, Kallanish

    • Roberto Re, Head of Metinvest Europe, Metinvest Trametal 
    • Stefano Ferrari, Chief Analyst, Siderweb
    • Roberto Ripollino, Vice President Europe, EU-Metal
  • 15:50

    Session 3: Q&A

    Ask the speakers from session 3 anything during this Q&A session.

  • 11:00

    Session 4: Europe in the global context

    Increasing trade barriers have characterized global steel markets in recent years and since 2019 the sector has been further hit by a slow-down in end-user demand and exacerbated further by the coronavirus in 2020. This backdrop of uncertainty has been further compounded by ongoing reorganization of important parts of the European steel supply chain, and delays over Brexit. Our panel of experts will offer their views on the challenges and opportunities facing the European steel sector, with a specific focus on trade factors and policies.

    Moderator: Paul Mullins, Director, Kallanish

    • Gareth Stace, Director, UK Steel
    • Daniel Guinabert, Secretary General, Eurometal
    • Karl Tachelet, Director International Affairs, Eurofer
  • 11:50

    Session 4: Q&A

    Ask the speakers from session 4 anything during this Q&A session.

  • 12:10

    Network Break

  • 13:00

    Session 5: Key markets beyond Europe

    Steel industry experts will analyze the current pattern of trade flows in Europe as well as the sentiment and market developments in key steelmaking countries of China, India, CIS and Turkey. The Global Forum on Steel Excess Capacity confirmed that overcapacity will increase again for the first time in years in 2020; how is this going to affect the markets and how are different countries confronting this issue? In addition to issues of overcapacity, trade barriers continue to be central in today’s market and a rapid change in this situation is not expected anytime soon. Regional steel experts will analyse how each of the different global areas is getting ready to challenge the existing issues and prepare for further market recovery in 2021.

    Moderator: Adam Smith, Managing Editor, Kallanish

    • Vinay Shroff, Executive Vice President, JSW Steel
    • Gorkem Bolaca, Managing Director, Galex Steel International
    • Ersun Ozdemirel, Marketing & Strategy Manager, Borcelik
    • Andrii Tarasenko, Head of research, GMK Center
    • Dan Hilliard, Managing Editor North America, Kallanish
  • 13:50

    Session 5: Q&A

    Ask the speakers from session 5 anything during this Q&A session.

  • 14:10

    Network Break

  • 15:00

    Session 6: The future of steel

    With much uncertainty in both the macro-economic environment and European steel industry making firm forecasts is almost impossible. Nevertheless, many regional steelmakers have announced very ambitious plans to cut emissions by 2030 and beyond. How will the sector develop in the short and medium term to meet these targets? In this panel, industry experts will discuss the future of the European steel market and the influences from global developments and sustainability challenges. 

    Moderator: Emanuele Norsa, Southern Europe Editor, Kallanish

    • Carl Orrling, Head or Research & Development, SSAB 
    • Christian Dohr, CEO, Feralpi Stahl
    • Andreas Schneider, Director, Stahlmarkt Consult 
  • 15:50

    Session 6: Q&A

    Ask the speakers from session 6 anything during this Q&A session.

The conference was last updated on the 4th December 2020.


Antonio Marcegaglia Chairman and CEO Marcegaglia Group
Laurent Plasman Head of Operational Marketing ArcelorMittal Europe Flat Products
Dick Sands Managing Director Distribution Stemcor
Tommaso Sandrini CEO S.Polo Lamiere SPA
Tomas Gutierrez Managing Editor Asia Kallanish
Andrew Glass Founder & MD Avatar Commodities
Roberto Re Head of Metinvest Europe Metinvest Trametal
Stefano Ferrari Chief Analyst Siderweb
Emanuele Norsa Head of Content Siderweb
Roberto Ripollino Vice President - Europe EU-Metal
Gareth Stace Director General UK Steel
  • Contact on:
  • Twitter X
Daniel Guinabert Secretary General Eurometal
Karl Tachelet Deputy Director General International Affairs and External Relations
Dan Hilliard Managing Editor North America Kallanish Steel Topics: Steel
Vinay Shroff Chief Marketing Officer JSW Steel
Gorkem Bolaca Managing Director Galex Steel International
Ersun Ozdemirel Marketing & Strategy Manager Borcelik Topics: Steel
Andrii Tarasenko Chief Analyst GMK Center
Christian Dohr CEO Feralpi Stahl
Carl Orrling Head of Research & Development SSAB Europe
Andreas Schneider Managing Director StahlmarktConsult Topics: Steel

Who came to previous Kallanish Europe Steel Markets conferences? Please see below for the attendee lists for our past 3 European Conferneces.  If you would like a more detailed breakdown by job title, region, and business activity, you can request a copy of our Kallanish Confernces Brochure which contains this information.  The 2019 participant list will be published soon.


2019 Kallanish Europe Steel Markets Attendees: 

Company Position   Country  
BHP Billiton International Trading (Shanghai) Co.,Ltd Manager Steel and Nonferrous Analysis China
AiSBL European Lime industry Association Secretary General Belgium
Arcelor Mittal Long Products - Luxembourg
ArcelorMittal Europe Flat Head of Operational Marketing Luxembourg
Association of German Construction Industry Chief Economist Germany
Assofermet President Italy
Bankhaus Lampe KG Research Analyst Germany
Borcelik Commercial director Turkey
Borcelik Export Manager Turkey
British Steel Chief Marketing Officer United Kingdom
British Steel Central Marketing Manager United Kingdom
Broekman Group General Manager Sales Netherlands
C. Steinweg Belgium nv Commercial Manager Belgium
CARES Technical Development Manager United Kingdom
Carmeuse Europe - Belgium
Coeclerici Commodities SA Senior Advisor Netherlands
Colakoglu Metalurji Sales Planning Turkey
Colakoglu Metalurji Sales Manager Turkey
Credit Europe Bank N.V. Account Manager Corporate Banking Netherlands
Credit Europe Bank NV Vice President Corporate Credits STCF Netherlands
Cumic Steel Limited Junior Trader China
Cumic Steel Limited Senior Trader China
DP Trade - Switzerland
DP Trade CEO Italy
DP Trade - Italy
DP Trade Co-Founder & Managing Partner Switzerland
Energoprom Management JSC Head of Strategic Marketing Russia
ESAB Kft. Sourcing Category Manager Hungary
Eurofer Director International Affairs Belgium
Galex Steel International Managing Director United Kingdom
Gamma Trade Managing Director Switzerland
Hadley Group Director of Procurement United Kingdom
JSC Severstal Management - Russia
JSW - Jastrzębska Spółka Węglowa Strategy and Development Director Poland
Kallanish Managing Editor Asia China
Koddaert nv Export Manager Belgium
Laplace Conseil Managing Director France
Lhoist Europe - Belgium
Lhoist Europe SVP Commercial Director Lhoist Europe Netherlands
Lhoist SA Market Analyst Belgium
Liberty House Group Business Market Research Analyst United Kingdom
Liberty Steel Newport Ltd Marketing Manager United Kingdom
Manuchar Steel NV - Belgium
Manuchar Steel NV Trade Manager Belgium
Materials Processing Institute Commercial Director United Kingdom
NLMK Europe Commercial Director Germany
Nucor General Manager - Business Development United States
Nucor Trading Director Trading Poland
OYAK Mining & Metallurgy Marketing expert Turkey
OYAK Mining & Metallurgy Marketing Manager Turkey
Pisec Group Austria Senior Sales Manager Austria
Port of Rotterdam Advisor Netherlands
Port of Rotterdam Head of Marketing Netherlands
Port of Rotterdam Business Manager Breakbulk Netherlands
Rio Tinto Manager Market Analysis Singapore
Roba Metals Steel Division Purchaser Netherlands
ROCKWOOL BVBA Regional Category Manager Belgium
Roger Emmott Associates Limited Managing Director United Kingdom
Royal BAM Group nv Category Manager Steel Netherlands
Sami Soybas Steel Industry & Trade Vice President Turkey
Sidenor Aceros Especiales S.L. Commercial Manager Spain
SSAB - Sweden
SSAB Market Intelligence Specialist, Market Development Finland
SSAB Global Sales Director Automotive United Kingdom
Liberty Steel Newport Ltd Marketing Manager Italy
SSAB EMEA AB Business Intelligence Manager Automotive Sweden
SSY Consultancy & Research Senior Director United Kingdom
SteelConsult International Managing Director Netherlands
Stemcor Director United Kingdom
Stow International Purchasing Exec. Raw Materials Belgium
Südwestdeutsche-Stahl-Handelsgesellschaft (SSH) mbH Key Accountant Germany/td>
TATA Steel Manager, Industry Insights Netherlands
Tezcan Galvanizli Yapı Elemanları Sanayi ve Tic. A.Ş. Foreign Trade Operations and Sales Specialist Turkey
Transcarpatica S.A. > Someg S.A. Procurement Manager Romania
Trinecke zelezarny, a.s. Head of Marketing Czech Republic
Turkish Steel Exporters' Association Board Member Turkey
UK Steel Director United Kingdom
Van Leeuwen Pipe and Tube Group Commercial Director Netherlands
Van Leeuwen Pipe and Tube Group Procurement Manager Europe Netherlands
XOM Materials Chief Operating Officer Germany
Yametas A.S. Director Turkey

Return to top


2018 Kallanish Europe Steel Markets Attendees: 

Company Position   Country  
Alcar Wheels GmbH Managing Director Austria
Kallanish Commodities Managing Editor Middle East Austria
Aneka nv Director Austria
ESD - European Steel Distribution Bvba Founder Belgium
Eurofer Director International Affairs Belgium
Euroports Management Assistant & Communications Coordinator Belgium
Euroports Business Development manager Belgium
Euroports Steel Manager Belgium
Euroports Operations Planning Manager Belgium
Gemini Corporation nv Commercial Director Belgium
Independent - Belgium
Lhoist Europe Senior Business Analyst Belgium
Manuchar Steel NV - Belgium
Manuchar Steel NV Sales manager Europe Belgium
NV Bekaert SA Technical Manager Wire Rod Europe - Corporate Purchasing Department Belgium
NV Bekaert SA Purchasing Manager Wire Rod ERMEA Belgium
Pisec Group GmbH Senior Sales Manager Belgium
Port of Antwerp Business Development Manager Belgium
Port of Antwerp Business Development Manager Belgium
Stow International Purchasing Exec. Raw Materials Belgium
Vesuvius Group sa Marketing Manager Flow Control Europe Belgium
Zimmer Staal Owner Belgium
Zimmer Staal General Manager Belgium
Kallanish Commodities Managing Editor Asia China
Trinecke zelezarny, a.s. Head of Marketing Czech Republic
Athena Conseil en Energie et Industrie Director France
Laplace Conseil President France
Bankhaus Lampe KG Research Analyst Germany
BDSV - Federal Association of German Steel Recycling Business Administration and Taxes Germany
Bronk & Company Senior Manager Germany
Kallanish Commodities Managing Editor Europe Germany
Kallanish Commodities Sales manager Germany
Marubeni-Itochu Steel Europe GmbH Manager Sales Coordination Germany
Specta Group CEO Germany
Specta Ruhr GmbH Managing Director Germany
S. Kamaridis Steel SA (SKS) CEO Greece
ArcelorMittal CLN Board Managing Director Italy
S. Polo Lamiere Spa Manager Italy
ArcelorMittal Europe Flat Head of Operational Marketing Luxembourg
Broekman Logistics Sales Manager Netherlands
Credit Europe Bank N.V. Account Manager Corporate Banking Netherlands
Euroports Chief Commercial Officer Netherlands
Euroports Group Marketing & Communications Manager Netherlands
Roba Metals General Manager Steel Division Netherlands
Steel Solutions Owner & Director Netherlands
SteelConsult International Managing Director Netherlands
Verbrugge International Terminals Commercial Account Manager Netherlands
Saferoad Daluiso A/S Procurement Director Norway
Polish Association of Steel Stockholders Head Manager Poland
Energoprom Management JSC Head of Strategic Marketing Russia
Specta Group COO Russia
Rio Tinto Pte Ltd Analyst Singapore
Network Steel International Sales Spain
Sidenor Aceros Especiales, S.L. Sales Manager Spain
Self Employed Steel Analyst & Consultant Switzerland
Stahl Gerlafingen AG Marketing & Sales Manager Switzerland
Borcelik Export Manager Turkey
Borcelik Export Area Sales Manager Turkey
Erdemir Market Research & Analysis Supervisor Turkey
Erdemir Market Research & Analysis Analyst Turkey
CARES General Manager UK
Carmeuse Europe Key Accounts Manager Industry UK
Galex Steel International Managing Director UK
Kallanish Commodities Director Events UK
Kallanish Commodities Sales Manager UK
Kallanish Commodities Director UK
Liberty Steel Chief Business Development Officer UK
MEPS International Ltd Researcher UK
Pandrol UK Limited Production Director UK
Roger Emmott Associates Limited Managing Director UK
SSY Consultancy & Research Senior Director UK
The Thomson Reuters Reporter UK
UK Steel Director UK
Kallanish Commodities Managing Editor North America USA​
The Coeur d'Alenes Company President & CEO USA


Return to top

​​2017 Kallanish Europe Steel Markets Attendees: 


Position Country
Asociación de Trefiladores del Acero President Spain
Acermet Comunicación Journalist Spain
AEGE President Spain
ANFAC Communications Director Spain
Akaa Steel Oy Managing Director Finland
AP Global, S.L. General Manager Spain
ArcelorMittal Country Manager & President Spain
ArcelorMittal CMO Rails & Special Sections Luxembourg
ArcelorMittal Flat Carbon Europe Head of Operational Marketing Luxembourg
ArcelorMittal Perfiles Managing Director Spain
ArcelorMittal Spain Head of Communications, PR&CR Spain
Bamesa Purchasing Manager Spain
Broekman Logistics Division BV. Sales Manager Netherlands
CARES General Manager UK
Celsa Commercial Director Spain
Comercial de Laminados Commercial Director Spain
Eurofer Director International  Belgium
Eurometal Managing Director Luxembourg
Eurometal Marketing Manager Luxembourg
Euroports Business Development Manager Belgium
EVRAZ East Metals Market Analyst Switzerland
Ferpinta, S.A Corporate Development Portugal
Ferrovial Procurement Manager Spain
Fowle and Co Ltd Managing Director UK
Gamma Trade Managing Director Switzerland
Grupo Comercial de Laminados CEO Spain
Hadley Group Head of Procurement UK
Independent Consultant Director UK
Interfer Steel and Commodities Head of Europe - Flat Products Spain
International Steel Trade association Chairman UK
Krohm Stahl GMBH General Manager Germany
Lhoist Europe Senior Business Analyst Belgium
London Metal Exchange Deputy Head of Ferrous UK
Manuchar Steel N.V. Trader Europe and South-America Belgium
Manuchar Steel N.V. Trader Europe and Caribbean Belgium
Marcegaglia Carbon Steel Senior Sales Manager, Vice Director Coils and PPGI Division Italy
Megasa Sales Director Spain
MEPS Analyst Spain
Metso Minerals Oy Global Category Manager Finland
Monstanstalh GmbH Director Germany
Monstanstalh GmbH Head of Sales for Indirect Sales & Intl Germany
Monstanstalh GmbH Head of Sales, Germany, Austria & Switzerland Germany
Moody's VP UK
President MPI China
Network Steel International Sales Spain
Network Steel Vice President Spain
Network Steel Suisse AG Commercial Director Switzerland
Network Steel Suisse AG CEO Germany
Network Steel, S.L. President Spain
Noviostaal - Acca Staal BV Owner and General Manager Netherlands
Pasek Industrial & Mining Managing Director Spain
Railsider Mediterráneo General Manager Spain
Ramada Aços - Special Steel Solutions   Portugal
Ramada Aços - Special Steel Solutions   Portugal
Ramada Aços - Special Steel Solutions Product Manager Portugal
Saferoad AS (Vik Ørsta AS)   Norway
Saferoad RRS GmbH COO Saferoad Europe Division Germany
Semimetais Managing Director Portugal
SIDEREX Director Spain
SSAB Sales Director South Europe & TRMEA Spain
Steel Strategy, S.L. General Manager Spain
Stemcor Ansteel Director Spain
Stena Metal International AB Head of Ferrous Sweden
Tata Steel Manager of Industry Insight Netherlands
Tata Steel Layde Managing Director Spain
Tata Steel Iberia Managing Director Spain
Tirso CSA CEO Spain
UNESID Director General Spain
UNESID Chief Economist Spain
UNESID   Spain
Unión de Almacenistas de Hierros de España - UAHE President Spain
Vik Ørsta AS Purchasing Manager Norway


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Event info

Industry Steel

Date Dec. 9, 2020 - Dec. 10, 2020

Duration 2 days